
Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Te reo Convo

We have been learning Te reo in our class. I've learnt how to use these phrases to talk in a convosation. What I found easy With this was knowing some maori already so that made it easy for me. What I found hard was trying to learn the longer phrases and remembering them. My goal for next time is to learn other words for them.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Room 5's assembly

last week we had our assembly.
if you don't know what a assembly is its when you have to show your work and what you've done during the weeks.
our school changes every week.
we talked about our kawakawa balm and oil.
I wasn't here for a couple of days I only showed up for Thursday and Friday so I only had a couple of days to practice.
I had so much fun showing my work.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

te reo

Today we learnt a new  Maori phrase it was called what we are doing in the weekend but in Te reo maori.
What I found easy was going in to the maori dictionary and finding all our questions.
what I found hard was saying the words.
My next step is to use screen castify so that I can upload my video