
Friday, 13 November 2020

Arataki progame

Every Tuesday we go down to the fire station just down the road from our school and we ride bikes,do a obstacle course that will test our strengths and will. the main reason we do this program is to learn resilience.
this week we couldn't go down due to the weather that was going to happen.
this is a picture of us doing the drill we have to do.
i found it fun because of our teacher that was teaching us to learn the drills he is cool as hope we could do it three times a week.

Friday, 6 November 2020


For the past two terms all the year 7 and 8's go to hikirunui school to go learn how to cook and how to sew and how to craft things.

These are things we need to learn when we grow up.

We made many things like a  jewellery box and cooking things.those were in the hard material class in the soft material class we learnt how to sew and make pillows and anything the teacher gave us in cooking class we are learning how to make little things like savery muffins and other easy things to make.

for me tech isn't the best thing to go to but it's part of my school education so I have no choice but its alright to go to.