
Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Matua Chayse

 Matua Chayse has been in my class since week 3 term 4 and he has made a great impression to our class.

he has helped our class in maths,writing but sadly this Friday is his last day with us.

He has showed us how to play ukulele.

and im going to see him in two years when im in college because he works at the college so hes not far from my school.

Friday, 13 November 2020

Arataki progame

Every Tuesday we go down to the fire station just down the road from our school and we ride bikes,do a obstacle course that will test our strengths and will. the main reason we do this program is to learn resilience.
this week we couldn't go down due to the weather that was going to happen.
this is a picture of us doing the drill we have to do.
i found it fun because of our teacher that was teaching us to learn the drills he is cool as hope we could do it three times a week.

Friday, 6 November 2020


For the past two terms all the year 7 and 8's go to hikirunui school to go learn how to cook and how to sew and how to craft things.

These are things we need to learn when we grow up.

We made many things like a  jewellery box and cooking things.those were in the hard material class in the soft material class we learnt how to sew and make pillows and anything the teacher gave us in cooking class we are learning how to make little things like savery muffins and other easy things to make.

for me tech isn't the best thing to go to but it's part of my school education so I have no choice but its alright to go to.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Te reo Convo

We have been learning Te reo in our class. I've learnt how to use these phrases to talk in a convosation. What I found easy With this was knowing some maori already so that made it easy for me. What I found hard was trying to learn the longer phrases and remembering them. My goal for next time is to learn other words for them.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Room 5's assembly

last week we had our assembly.
if you don't know what a assembly is its when you have to show your work and what you've done during the weeks.
our school changes every week.
we talked about our kawakawa balm and oil.
I wasn't here for a couple of days I only showed up for Thursday and Friday so I only had a couple of days to practice.
I had so much fun showing my work.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

te reo

Today we learnt a new  Maori phrase it was called what we are doing in the weekend but in Te reo maori.
What I found easy was going in to the maori dictionary and finding all our questions.
what I found hard was saying the words.
My next step is to use screen castify so that I can upload my video

Friday, 31 July 2020

Child of Aotearoa

Today was our last day to finish our reading Activity and me and my friend pulled our heads together and work till our brains blew up. What I found easy was working with someone with that would actually do work. What I found hard was working by myself when my friend wasn't here. My goal for next time is to put more facts about New Zealand.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Rongoa Maori

Last term we learnt about Rongoa Maori and all its purposes. We made our own kawakawa oil and balm we also made boxes and labels for the kawakawa oil and balm. I found it easy because I had help making the net and everything I needed to make my box. Next time I need to make sure all my writing is the correct way. In the unit I learnt how to make kawakawa oil,kawakawa balm and boxes.
I also learnt that some Maori medicine are poisonous such as ngaio even though it is poisonous it also helps to keep the insects away.
Harakeke is the Maori word for flax not only can it heal you physical state But Rongoa in general can help your mental state.


this is my new code that I made today and this was one of the hardest codes that I had to earn for me. the easiest thing I found doing this was finding the music that I wanted for my code next time I need put more things into my code.

Monday, 20 July 2020

square of nubers

Today is the first day back to school and this is one of the work our class we had to do. the thing I found easy was the problem giving me the numbers i had to work with and that way I got it. the hard thing I found with the work was figuring out the sequence of the numbers. my goal for next time is to find out different answers I can find.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

kawakawa balm box

This is one of the other things I had to post to may blog this is a box for kawakawa balm we have been making for the last couple of weeks. We had to make a box that could fit a little bit of kawakawa balm. The thing I found hard was making everything the same size and length. The thing I found easy was getting the right facts for kawakawa balm. my next step is to make something else from the kawakawa plant

Pick a Path

This week since it is the last week of school we had to finish some work we haven't done yet. We had a choice to choose between many styles of writing and a chose a narrative and its called a pick a path story. What I hard about it was to base it on the story I was writing and try not to off track. What I found easy was to get help from my friends to get ideas. my Goal for next time is to make more problems and soulutions.

Friday, 26 June 2020

3D shapes

last week we started making 3D shape and today we finished our shapes. the thing I liked the most about making my shape was finding the net of the shape and measuring the precise length of the shape. the thing that I found hard was trying to glue it together and making it even. My next goal is to make different shapes and even try and make other things. Here's a picture of my shape hope you like it

Wednesday, 24 June 2020


Today we were learning how to do other things using and I learnt how to use a star wars R2-D2 and control him using the arrow keys. The hard thing was going through all the courses to learn how to code R2-D2. I liked playing around with the code to make it work and making custom things. my Goal for next time is to make my game longer and better. I hope you like my code I really enjoyed it.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Maori phrases

Every Thursday we learn a new Maori phrase. this week is our phrase is kei te pehia koe. my favorite thing about it is asking my friends these answers and what they say back. I didnt really find anything hard about this all I found it was fun for me. My goal is to ask this question more often too all my friends and my teacher.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020


Today we were learning how to code.
We had different code options this was one of the options that I chose.
The thing that I liked was drawing cause it looked really cool for me I would have drawn even more but I ran out of time.
The thing that I hated was that I didn't have enough time to draw my thing my goal for next time is to draw the things that I like instead of the other things that were on my mind.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Ngaio project

Last week we learnt about ngaio. Ngaio is a plant that heals things like broken bones and more. I enjoyed working with my friend and leaning about new things about rongoa. What I found hard was finding all the right facts and what it heals. This was one of my favorite pieces of writing because its based on our Maori culture.
My next step is to write more in my little bit of time that I get and to add more detail.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

How to make Kawakawa oil

My class has been learning how to write a decent piece of procedural writing and our topic was Kawakawa oil. I learnt to use verbs at the start of every step. I liked finding new things about Kawakawa oil and what it helps heals and all the other uses that it can be used for. the thing I found hard was writing all the steps down in one day because I wasn't here the day everyone was here. My next steps are to remember all the things that I used in this writing and write it but 100 times better.    

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

book for little kids

This week we have been learning to make a book for our juniors at our school to teach them about what they can do when something bad happens and what they can do to calm down this is my book that i made with a friend of mine hope you like it.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Senses During Lockdown

I was learning about the five senses and what it was like in our lock down. Our task was to make a poem about the five senses and this is my poem. I found the poem easy to make cause all I had to do was think back about a week and write down what I remember. It was hard to just continue to come up with the right sentences in the right way cause it had to have then right sentence structure and we had to add a little more detail at the end. Next time I will try and add some more detail to my senteces.

Friday, 22 May 2020

The first week after lockdown

tThis week we have been back at school its been really different compared to all the other times we were at school.
When I say different I mean everything has changed 1 metre apart is like impossible because me and my friend's are so annoyed with these rules cause we cant sit next to each other we cant do anything together but its the rules that will keep us safe from Covid-19.
We said once these rules are put down we are going to have so much fun.

My lockdown has been a sprinkle cause my hose has been a bit quite cause my family has been gone to Whangarei to stay at my aunts house so it was really quite like 7 of them left.
17 people was in my house and my house is really big so i could fit probably fit 2 people in my house and even better we have a pool but sad for me my arm was broken so I couldn't go for a swim.

I have enjoyed going back to school to play with my friends and eating my lunch at school.
the best thing at school was going to see my friend and playing touch instead of play fortnite all day and night so thats what I enjoyed about going to school.

Friday, 6 March 2020


This week we had to write our pepeha and this is my pepeha I hope you like it

Friday, 21 February 2020

Marsden bay camp

On the first week of school the years 6 and 7's went on camp for three days.
It took 30-60 minutes and by the time we got there everyone went running to go play because there was a basket ball court 1v1 soccer and volley ball court.
I really think that that was the best camp I've ever been to in my life because on different days we went on different rides like water slide and we even went to go kayaking but I only went kayaking like once but I went swimming for the rest of the times.
Me and my friend's from school flipped over the kayak and did some bombs.
We even went to do archery and one of my mates hit a bulls eye and I was so impressed.
But there was one thing that stood out on the first day we arrived we spotted the most amazing most beautiful thing ever a giant flying fox.
here some pictures of our amazing camp.

And that was the best camp ever.